Norwich FC announced they would be flying the Rainbow flag over their football ground for a match which was on the same day as Norwich Pride,
One fan tweeted this photo and added the comment, "What the hell has this do do with football?"
The football club quickly responded with one word: "Everything"
The club then won support from many football fans and the following comments were tweeted; "Being a straight male, I for one cannot see any issues with this at all"
"I think it's amazing our club is willing to stand up for the human rights of others"
"Good job Norwich City FC, Hope other clubs follow suit with these type of events, spread love not hate"
The original tweet is now deleted.
What's happening in the picture?
Why do you think someone has written that?
Explain the story
Why do you think Norwich FC decided to fly the rainbow Flag over their football ground?
What do they want to show?
The photo shows a Pride march. What is a Pride march for? (to show everyone should be proud of who they are, no matter their sexual orientation)
What law in the UK says LGBT people should not face discrimination? (The Equality Act 2010)
Who else is protected in the Equality Act 2010?
We know not everyone agrees with us and No Outsiders. How did this person feel about having a rainbow flag at the football ground?
What do you think of the response from the FC? What are they demonstrating they think about people who are LGBT?
What did the person who wrote the tweet learn?
Why do you think they deleted their tweet? Do you think they changed their mind?
Why is this story about No Outsiders?
No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools by Andrew Moffat
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