Use these photos as an introduction to your assembly. Copy and paste the photo on to a power point and have it on display as the children enter the hall. Suggested discussion points are listed below each picture. See for more No Outsiders information
Monday, 2 January 2017
Gender stereotypes
Men in Chili are breaking down gender stereotypes by knitting. The group called Hombres Tejedores translates as "Knitting men" and they meet to knit together in public spaces.
Their campaign #NosGustaTejer (we like to knit) raises money to hold workshops around the country. The campaign is growing with new groups setting up in Argentina, Mexico and Columbia. Their aim is to "weave together a more inclusive society and to promote inclusive spaces.
- what's happening in the picture?
- why does knitting break down gender stereotypes?
- why do you think the men have chosen to use pink wool for this photo?
- what do you think is meant by "inclusive space"?
- how does men knitting together in public make a space inclusive?
- what can we learn from this story?
-why is this story about No Outsiders?
No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools by Andrew Moffat
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