A woman taking part in an anti-Muslm protest in the US changed her mind when a Muslim woman approached her, hugged her and invited her in to the local Mosque to talk. Other supporters talked to the protester calmly to try and get her to see things differently. When she stepped in side the Mosque she was greeted by applause.
"A lot of people with these ideas have not actually met a Muslim," the mosque's spokesman, Adnan Mirza, told The Independent. "We focus on the similarities rather than on things that divide."
- What's happening in the photo?
-What do the placards say, what do you think that person wants to achieve?
explain the photo
- why did the Muslim woman hug a stranger who was anti-Muslim?
- what was the effect of the hug?
- what do you think the anti-Muslim woman felt when the Muslim woman talked to her calmly and hugged her?
- read out the quote from Adnan Mirza; how is this similar to our No Outsiders message?
Extension lesson plan: LI To understand the power of dialogue
Watch this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErxlkMwVrUQ showing the hug and the conversation with the anti-Muslim protestor. In other (longer) clips we can see the man say to the protestor, "We can be friends" and, "How do you know I'm not Muslim?" He questions her calmly and gets her to question her beliefs. Why does he do this and what is the impact?
Watch this film of the woman who gave the hug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY5NO8ox2y8 how does she describe the impact of the hug? How do you think the women felt before the hug and after the hug. Why do you think the hug went viral? What does it show about people around the world and what they want to see?
Write a newspsper report for the incident. use quotes from the films