Friday, 28 February 2025

Biggest Ever Football Day


What do you see in the picture? What is happening? What do the T-shirts say- what is this about?

On March 7th the "Biggest ever Football Session" is happening in schools across the UK.

What do you think this is?

The Biggest Ever Football Session is about inspiring and empowering the next generation of girl's football. 

It's about inclusivity in sports, showing that girls belong in football. 

The aim is to get as many girls as possible in school all playing football on the same day. 

What does empowered mean?
What does inclusivity mean?
Some people might say if we are being truly inclusive, we should allow boys to play too... what do you think?

Watch this video #LetGirlsPlay- The FA but as it plays, imagine swapping the word girls for the word boys. Does it still make sense if it was about boys? Explain your answer. 

Olivia Hancock is a campaigning to end sexism in football.

What is sexism?

Olivia says, "How would you feel if you couldn't do something you love? As a young girl all I wanted to do was kick a football and have fun. While at primary school, I was told that girls don't play football - it's a boys sport. It was later made clear that this seemed to be the case in many schools. When I left primary school in 2027 I was determined that not only should primary schools give  girls equal access to football, they should also have girls football teams. Not all girls are confident enough to play football with boys and I needed to be that powerful female voice for change."

Why do you think some girls are not confident enough to play football with boys?
What is the solution?
Do you think in 2025 we need a "Biggest ever football day" to encourage boys to play the game?
Why/ Why not?

What do we say at our school about gender and football?
Why is this about No Outsiders?
Which British value is this about? 

Are you a No Outsiders school? Winchester University are conducting research to explore the impact of the resource. Please help us by completing this form to take part. Thank you


No Outsiders: We belong here by Andrew Moffat  (scheme of work for primary schools) 


Thursday, 13 February 2025


What do you see in the photo? What is happening? There is something different about this mountain biker, can anyone guess what it is?  

Xavier is blind; he has less than 10% eyesight. 

What do you think less than 10% eyesight means for Xavier? What do you think he sees?

After struggling to get a job Xavier decided to pursue his love of biking; he posted videos online and was approached by companies who offered to sponsor him in shows. He now hopes to go professional. 

How do you think Xavier manages to do this with 10% eyesight, what are the challenges? How do you think he overcomes the challenges? 

Xavier talks about how his eyes work differently; he has albinism which means his eyes let too much light in, and he also has nystagmus which causes his eyes to shake. Because of this, Xavier walks each route before using his bike and then remembers turns, jumps and where roots, rocks or branches stick out.  

Do you think Xavier crashes sometimes? What do you think he says about his crashes?

“Sometimes I just have crashes but there’s not much I can do. I’m very committed to the sport; I love what I do, and a few crashes aren’t going to get in my way.” 

Xavier hopes he can encourage others with disabilities to get on their bikes. 

There is a super video link in the link above where Xavier talks about what he sees and how he does the biking. Watch the video and discuss these questions.

·                In the film Xavier tells us about how his eyes are different. How do you think he feels about his eyes? Does he seem sad or upset? Do you think Xavier is proud of who he is? How do you know? 

·                When Xavier started mountain biking, how do you think he felt? 

·                What do you think Xavier’s family said when he told them he wanted to start this new hobby? Why didn’t they stop him? 

·                When he walks each route, how do you think he remembers where everything is? 

·                Do you think he forgets sometimes? What happens then? 

·                How do you think the other mountain biker’s treat Xavier? 

·                “Sometimes I just have crashes but there’s not much I can do” why doesn’t Xavier give up when he crashes? 

·                “a few crashes aren’t going to get in my way.” what does he mean? What kind of person is Xavier? 

·                Why is this a story of hope? 

·                What can we learn from Xavier?  

·                Why is this about No Outsiders? 

  • Which British value is this about?

Are you a No Outsiders school? Winchester University are conducting research to explore the impact of the resource. Please help us by completing this form to take part. Thank you


No Outsiders: We belong here by Andrew Moffat  (scheme of work for primary schools) 




Thursday, 6 February 2025



What do you see in the picture? What job does the person in the picture do? What do you think this story could be about?

A train conductor in Belgium received a formal complaint last month because of the language he used to greet passengers when he said "Good morning!".

What do you think happened?
Why might language be a reason for complaint?

Belgium has three official langauges.

Do you know what the official languages spoken in Belgium are?

In Belgium, there are three national languages: French, Dutch and English. In different parts of the country, there are official language rules. 

Why have an official language rule?

This map shows the language zones in Belgium. The top part of Belgium known as Flanders and the bottom half known  as Wallonia. 

What do you notice about the map and the languages spoken?

According to official language rules, conductors on trains must speak in the correct language while their train is in each area, So as a train passes through Flanders, the conductor will say "Good morning!" in Dutch, and while the train is passing through Wallonia, the conductor will say good morning in French.

What do you think this conductor did?
Why would someone complain about that?

After the train left Brussels, the conductor said Good Morning in both French and Dutch. Conductors should only use both French and Dutch when the train in within the Brussels border. If trains are traveling to the airport, conductors can speak in French, Dutch, German and English.

Why do you think this rule exists?
Are borders important?
Is language important?
Do you think the conductor was right to do this?

The train company are backing the conductor and saying there will be no action taken.

Some people are saying the conductor did the right thing but others are saying they disrespected the Dutch language. 

What do you think abut this argument, what are the two sides of the debate?
What do we say about language at our school?
Why is this about No Outsiders?
Which British Value is this about?

Are you a No Outsiders school? Winchester University are conducting research to explore the impact of the resource. Please help us by completing this form to take part. Thank you


No Outsiders: We belong here by Andrew Moffat  (scheme of work for primary schools)