What do you see in the pictures, who do you think this person is and what are they doing, what do you think this story is about?
Elliot Caswell is a model from Newcastle. He has been trying to make it as a model for 5 years but without success and was about to give up.
Why do you think Elliot was not being chosen by modelling agencies for work?
Elliot has cerebral palsey and uses a wheelchair. Five years ago, Elliot was very shy and didn't feel confident enough to speak to strangers. Today an art director who photographed Elliot for this shoot said he lit up the room with his smile and humour; "When someone has a lot of character, it's instantly easy to photograph because that can come across on set."
What does the art director mean by "Elliot lit up the room?"
Elliot's first modelling job is for Primark and their adaptive clothing range which is for people with disabilities.
What does adaptive mean? How do you think clothing can be adaptive?
Elliot's mum says when he was young she had to adapt his clothes herself and Elliot says he always had to have help from family, friends and carers to put on his clothes. He says this new range of clothes is life changing.
How do you think this clothing range is different?
Primark have developed clothing with magnetic zips, poppers, loops that are easy to hold, trousers that have zips on the legs, clothes that are stretchier and easier to get on.
The second link above has a short film where you can see Elliot talking about the clothes. The designer Victoria Jenkins is wearing a dress with a zip on the side so if you have a stoma, you can empty the stoma bag without taking your clothes off. Victoria says this is about dignity and modesty.
What is a stoma bag?
Why is the zip magnetic, how is zip life changing?
Why poppers not buttons?
Victoria hopes more clothing brands will make adaptive clothing in the future; "Everyone needs choice, everyone dresses differently, everyone has the right to self expression and that's been denied to many of us for too long."
What does "Everyone has the right to self expression" mean?
Why does Victoria say self expression is denied to some people? Do you agree?
Why is this about No Outsiders?
Which British Value is this about?
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