Sunday 24 January 2016

Nobel Peace Prize for Greek Island

Photograph: Argiris Mantikos/AP

A community of people living on a Greek Island have been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize because of the way they have helped refugees arriving in Europe. A petition calling for the recognition says, "“On remote Greek islands, grandmothers have sung terrified little babies to sleep, while teachers, pensioners and students have spent months offering food, shelter, clothing and comfort to refugees who have risked their lives to flee war and terror.”
Spyro Limneos, one of the many people who helped people arriving on the island said: 
“By opening their hearts the islanders sent a powerful message that humanity is above races, above nations."

- What is happening in the picture?
- Where was this picture taken? 

- Why is the woman in the sea fully clothed and what is the man trying to do?
- Is the woman going to pay the man for helping her? Why not?
- Why is the man helping her?
- Does the man only help some people? Does he only help people who are Christian, or people who do not have a disability, or people who are white? Or does the man help anybody?
- What message are the people living on the Greek Island giving to people who land on their beaches?
- How does this picture fit in to the No Outsiders message at our school?

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