Friday 19 February 2016

Yoga and community cohesion

A craze is sweeping Johannesburg, in South Africa. Secret Sunrise is an event where people meet up at sunrise to join yoga classes. Locations are only revealed 24 hours before each event and could be the top of a car park or a field.

Each morning begins with a silent yoga session. People often dress up and are encouraged to wear imaginative costumes. Then everyone dances to music played through headphones. Groups often finish with a conga line around the venue,

At the end of the session, everyone joins hands and says goodbye. The aim is to start the day positively. One participant said, "Last time I did this I had the most amazing day at work so it is just a good start to the day"

- what's happening in the pictures?
- what are they all wearing?
-why is everyone smiling?

- what does yoga aim to do for the body?
- some people do yoga on their own, why are these people doing yoga together?
- Does everyone know each other?
- Who are the classes for?
- Are the classes only for men? Only for women? white people? Are gay or lesbian people allowed?
- How do you think the class effects people for the rest of the day? Why did the participant have "the most amazing day at work" after joining Secret Sunrise?

What can we learn from the organisers of Secret Sunrise? Do they leave any one out?

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