Saturday 12 March 2016

No Outsiders in Table Tennnis

Photograph: Manan Vatsyayana/AFP/Getty Images

Ibrahim Hamadtou lost his limbs in an accident when he was 10 year old. He says he loved table tennis and stopped playing after the accident but three years later he decided to play again and worked out a solution. He first put the bat under his arm but then used his mouth, Watch the youtube clip above to see how Ibrahim plays.

Ibrahim says, "I hope this shows people that nothing is impossible as long as you work hard."

This photo shows Ibrahim serving at a match in the World Team Table Tennis Championships 2016, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

What's happening in the photo?
What do you notice about the player?

Explain the photo

- Why is Ibrahim's leg extended? (balance/ force during the serve)
- Why did Ibrahim give up table tennis following his accident?
- What do you think made him change his mind?
- What can we learn from Ibrahim?
- What are the World Table Tennis Champions demonstrating by including Ibrahim in the games?
(they believe, like us, that there are no outsiders in the games)

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