Saturday 16 July 2016

Response to attack in Nice

Hundreds of people in Nice waited in a a 7 hour line on Friday morning to donate blood after the terrible tragedy the previous night. Blood donor services have been overwhelmed with support from people wanting to help and on Friday morning, France's blood donor organisation released a statement saying they had all the blood they needed. However, people still insisted on leaving their names and numbers in case any more was needed.

This photo, of people waiting in line to give blood, was taken after the attacks in Paris last year. Similar photos were taken after the attack in Orlando earlier this year.

What's happening in this photo?

Explain the story

What do you notice about the people in the line?
Are the people the same ethnicity, age, gender? Do you think they are all the same sexuality, same faith, may some have disabilities?
Do the people in this photo care who ends up using their blood? Do the people in this line choose the faith of people who receive their blood, or the skin colour? Will they say, "I don't want a gay person using my blood!"?
What is important to the people in this line?

We know that not everyone in the world agrees with us about No Outsiders. Some people want one kind of person, one faith or one skin colour. We want to live with different kids of people, different faiths and different skin. We want there to be No Outsiders; we want different people to live together.

What does this photo and similar photos taken in Nice and in Orlando, tell us about people around the world and the no outsiders message?

How do we stop attacks like the ones in Nice, Paris, Turkey, Orlando? What message do we need people to hear?

Spend  a moment of silence thinking about the families affected all over the world by violence, and how we can spread our No Outsiders message to help.


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