Tuesday 8 November 2016

US Election Response


Fabio Alvarado, 91  arrives at the Registrar's office, Nowalk, California with his wife to vote in the US election. Fabio was born in El Salvador but now has US citizenship which he was granted on election day.

What's happening in the picture?
Where do you think the picture was taken?
What is the man in the picture holding?

explain the story

- What is democracy? 
-Who is allowed to vote in an election? Are black people allowed to vote? White people? Women? Gay or Lesbian people? People of different faith? Transgender people? People with disabilities?
- What does this picture show us about people who live in America?
-Is America a place where everyone is the same or people are different?
- How is Fabio feeling? Why? 
- Some people think that a country is better where everyone is the same; same skin colour, same religion, Some people say you should stay in the country where you were born. What do you think Fabio believes? 
- Imagine a world where no one travelled, no one changed, no one met people who were different, what would that world be like? 
- If you meet someone who says people who are different can't get along or live together, what can you tell them about? (tell them about our school / our city and how we show every day that people who are different can get along. We want to live in a world with people who are different)
- Why is this story about No Outsiders? 

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