Wednesday 31 May 2017

Ice cream equality

All Ben and Jerrry's ice cream parlours in Australia have banned customers form ordering two scoops of the same ice cream in to bring to customers attention the lack of marriage equality for LGBT people.

On it's website the company wrote:
"Imagine heading down to your local scoop shop to order your favourite two scoops of cookie dough in a waffle cone. But you find out you are not allowed. Ben and Jerry's has banned two scoops of the same flavour. You'd be furious!"

"But this doesn't even compare to how furious you would be to be told you were not allowed to marry the person you loved."

"So we are banning two scoops of the same flavour and encouraging our fans to contact their MPs to tell them the time has come - make same sex marriage legal!"

"Love comes in all flavours!"

The stores have placed letter boxes on counters to encourage customers to write a postcard to their MP while ordering their ice cream. 

What's happening in the picture?
Where is it taken?

Explain the story

- What is marriage equality?
- In the UK who is allowed to get married?
- What has ice cream got to do with marriage equality?
- Is it fair that customers in Australia are not allowed to buy two scoops of ice cream that are the same flavour?
- Is it fair that two people of the same gender in Australia are not allowed to get married?
- What does 'love comes in all flavours' mean?
- What does this show about Ben and Jerry's?
- What law do we have in the UK about LGBT people getting married?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?

No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools by Andrew Moffat


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