Sunday, 8 July 2018

Football=community cohesion

Over 300 families living on the Kirby estate in South London have been supporting England during the World Cup this year with huge parties watching a big screen outside and everyone joining in. Most houses are displaying England flags, however Sandra Ramos and her family have also lived on the estate for 19 years and they are originally from Colombia. During the England v Colombia match families from both sides joined together to watch the match and celebrate together. 

What do you see in the picture?
What is happening?

Explain the story

- why are there flags outside all the houses?
- What teams are the people supporting?
- On the second picture why are the Colombia and English flags next to each other?
- How are the people in the pictures feeling? Why?
- Why are English families watching a match with families from Colombia?
- The fans are from the opposing teams; why aren't they fighting each other or watching in separate places?
- What does this show about people living on the Kirby estate?
- What does this show about living in the UK today?
- What can we learn from Kirby estate?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?

No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the Equality Act in primary schools by Andrew Moffat

Reclaiming radical ideas in schools: Preparing young children for life in modern Britain by Andrew Moffat

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