Saturday 17 November 2018

Different families

This is the Ahmed family; a Mum and Dad with five children living in America. Faquir Ahmed was living in an apartment with his two children when he met Chaney Jernigan, a Mum with three children.

When Ahmed and Chaney got married the two families lived together as one family with all their differences.  Ahmed is Muslim, Chaney is Christian and the family aren't all the same race.

Chaney says, "Our family is all jumbled up in a good way."

One of the children, Ojeyo says, "Our skin tones don't match but is doesn't matter. We're a family."

Chaney says, "People kinda go, 'They don't look like you!' My husband's of Bengali, Portugese and Italian descent, I was raised a Christian, Faquir was raised Muslim."

Faquir says, "We never say, 'Hey this way is the right way or that religion is the right way,' there's no wrong answers."

Chaney says, "Family means love, it's being there for each other no matter what."

What do you see in the picture
How do you think the people know each other?

explain the picture

- What is a family?
- What makes this family different?
- What does this picture show us about family life in the world today?
- Faquir is Muslim and Chaney is Christian; how does that work? What does that show us about families and religion today?
- Why does Faquir say about faith, "We don't say this way is the right way or that religion is the right way; there are no wrong answers" What does he mean?
- What can we learn from this family?
-Why is story about No Outsiders?

No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the equality act in primary schools by Andrew Moffat

Reclaiming radical ideas in schools: Preparing young children for life in modern Britain by Andrew Moffat

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