Sunday 3 March 2019

autism poem

Benjamin Girouox is ten years old and for homework was asked to write a poem. He decided to write a poem called, "I am" about how it feels for him to live with autism.
Benjamin's poem explains how he feels different. The poem has gone viral and the National Autistic Society has shared it.


What do you see in the picture?
What do you think the poem is about?
Do any lines stand out for you?
Read the poem in full and explain the story

- what is autism (I asked a child with autism how to describe what autism means. Oliver told me, "autism is your brain wired differently so you see the world in a different way. It' just a different view of the world." Oliver says some things are harder for him but but also he better at some things than other children.)
- Benjamin said he didn't want to write a poem that just rhymed, why do you think he chose to wrote this this poem?
- why does Benjamin say, "I'm odd... I wonder if you are too? (is he saying that we are all different; we all have things about us that are 'odd'?)
- why does Benjamin say, "I feel like a boy in outer space, I touch the stars and feel out of place"?
- how does Benjamin feel when people laugh at him? he says it makes him "shrink" what does he mean?
- what does 'castaway' mean? Why does Benjamin choose to use that word?
- Benjamin says "I dream of a day that it's ok, I try to fit in, I hope that someone day I do"- what does Benjamin want more than anything else?
- this poem has gone viral; why do you think that is? What does this show about how people around the world feel about autism and people being different?
- How can we help Benjamin?
- What can we do in our school today to make sure no one feels like a castaway?
- If you could meet Benjamin what would you say to him?
- Why is this story about No Outsiders?

No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools by Andrew Moffat

Reclaiming radical ideas in schools: Preparing young children for life in modern Britain by Andrew Moffat 

Thank you to Oliver for his help in writing this assembly plan.

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