Sunday 11 October 2020



Willow Ferguson is 7 years old and goes to school in Birmingham. Willow’s legs currently work in a different way causing her to walk on tip toes. This year she is wearing casts to help stretch the muscles in her legs. Willow has to be very brave as the casts are changed every week for 6 weeks and the procedure is difficult.

Willow’s Mum Katie is an artist and to cheer up her daughter, she started painting the casts every week. They looked through books together to get ideas and every Friday Mum paints a new design.

Willow and Katie want people to see that casts can be cool.

People on social media are saying the casts are amazing and are thanking Willow and Katie for raising awareness of Willow’s difference. Willows school said, “We are so proud that this wonderful young lady and her family are part of our school, Willow and her leg casts are a wonderful example of how there are #NoOutsiders at our school and everyone is welcome! We have all loved admiring Willow’s Mom’s beautiful designs each week!”

-        What are casts? Has anyone had to wear a cast? What was it like?

-        How do you think Willow feels wearing a cast all the time? Think how wearing a cast might affect your day

-        Why do you think Willow’s Mum started painting the casts?

-        Do you think Willow is embarrassed of her casts? Why doesn’t she try to hide them? (because we don’t hide who we are, and we are proud of ways we are different)

-        “Casts can be cool” what does this mean?

-        Why are people thanking Willow and her mum for raising awareness?

-        Why is Willow’s school “proud that this wonderful young lady and her family is part of our school”?

-        Willows school say they have No Outsiders at their school – what do think that means?

-        What can we learn from Willow?

Why is this a story of hope?

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