Sunday 13 February 2022



A petition has been launched to ask the BBC to have an East or South East Asian person read a CBeebies bedtime story following a child saying no one on TV looks like her.

Sarah Cheung Johnson says, "My half Chinese children watch CBeebies bedtime stories every evening. Over 800 stories have been recorded. In the two years we've been watching, not one single narrator has looked like my children or those of other East or South Asians." Sarah also asks for books to be read with characters who are South East Asian such as the one in the photo.

"It is a heart breaking moment when my child turns around and tells me no one on TV looks like her. I want this to change. I want to see East and South East Asian people represented on screen, starting with a bedtime story."

The petition is in the link above

- who is the audience for CBeebies?
- "In the two years we've been watching, not one single narrator has looked like my children or those of other East or South Asians." Does this matter? why/ why not?
- what does representation mean?
- "It is a heart breaking moment when my child turns around and tells me no one on TV looks like her." why is this heart breaking for Sarah? How does it make her child feel?
- How do you think it feels to watch TV and never see anyone that looks like you?
- Why is Sarah asking for story books to be read that have South East Asian characters?
- What is a petition, how does it work?
- Should CBeebies take note of the petition? Why/ Why not?
- What can we learn from Sarah?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?

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