Sunday 11 September 2022

Equality Act

The world in 1952, when Queen Elizabeth started her reign, is unrecognisable from the world today. In the 70 years since 1952, the Queen has watched the world around her change 

What changes has she seen?

television; air travel; space travel; the internet; mobile phones; Covid... you could ague the Queen's role in all that time is the only thing that has remained the same. 
Has anything else stayed the same since 1952? What else do we do today that has stayed the same since 1952? 
(Even going to the cinema has changed - in the 1950s after showing the film, cinemas played the National Anthem and everyone stood up)

Equality in the UK has changed immeasurably since 1952 when there were no women's rights, disability rights, LGBT rights, no one had heard of Black Lives Matter. 
Do you know when the first equality laws were passed?

The Race Relations Act 1965 was the first legislation in the UK to address racial discrimination. The first legislation to protect people with disabilities was not until 1995 (the Disability Discrimination Act). In the 1950s LGBT people had no protection under the law and in the early years of the Queen's reign, gay men were imprisoned. Only in 1967 were laws passed to decriminalise homosexuality.

What is the name of the law we have today that protects equality and when was it passed? 
(The Equality Act 2010) 
What is the Equality Act for, what are the protected characteristics, who do they protect? 
- age
- sex
- sexual orientation
- gender reassignment
- disability
- pregnancy and maternity
- marriage and civil partnership

What do each of these words mean? Which of these protected characteristics is most important? (none: they all have equal importance)
Are people allowed to miss out any of the protected characteristics? (no, we can't pick and choose the groups we like or agree with; everyone in the Equality Act 2010 is of equal importance)

How does the Equality Act 2010 affect us in our school? 
Does anyone here identify with any of these groups? How are we different in our school? (it's important that children self identify here rather than have others point them out. Say you only want children here to tell you about themselves, not about other people) 

How do we make sure everyone knows they belong here? 
Why is this about No Outsiders?
How do we make sure these rights stay with us in the future?

Can you think of another monarch in whose reign society changed so much? How do you think Queen Elizabeth felt as she looked back on the changes in her reign?

Take a moment of reflection 

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