Sunday 22 January 2023

What is homophobia?


Before telling the story, ask what's happening in the picture, who is Eubank Jnr, what's that on his arm, what's going on here?

Boxer Chris Eubank Jnr chose to wear a rainbow armband this week after a press conference where his opponent, Liam Smith, used language that many argued was homophobic.

During the press conference, Liam Smith repeatedly asked Chris Eubank Jnr why no one had seen him "with a girl" and said, "have you got something to tell us?".  He later added, "I'm not that type of way, mate, I like women."

Chris Eubank Jnr replied, "My private life is my private life. It's irrelevant to boxing. But I'm happy, I'm comfortable." 

The next day at the weigh-in, Chris Eubank Jnr wore a rainbow armband and said, "Liam disrespected and hurt and alienated a whole group of people. That is unacceptable. We don't want that in boxing. We want to be all inclusive in this sport."

Liam Smith later apologised to anyone who was offended and added "not one homophobic thing" came out of his mouth.

- what is homophobia?
- "Why has no one seen you with a girl, have you got something to tell us? I'm not that type of way, mate, I like women" why are people arguing this is homophobic?
- Why do you think Liam Smith chose to use this language? 
- Liam Smith says "not one homophobic thing" came out of his mouth. Do you agree? Why/ why not?
- "My private life is my private life. It's irrelevant to boxing. But I'm happy, I'm comfortable." Why did Chris Eubank Jnr choose to respond in this way. he cold have said, "I'm not gay," or he could have said, "I am gay," but instead he chose to say, "I am comfortable" - why? 
- what does the language used in this conversation suggest about both players?
- "Liam disrespected and hurt and alienated a whole group of people." do you agree? Explain.
- Why do you think Chris Eubank Jnr wore a rainbow armband the next day?
- By wearing the armband, is Chris giving a signal that he is gay? (no, he is giving a signal that he supports LGBTQ+ people)
-  "We want to be all inclusive in this sport." What does this mean? 
- Do you think homophobia exists in other sports? Can you think of any examples? What can be done about it?
- What do we say in our school about homophobia? How would you respond if you heard someone use homophobic language at our school?
- What is the law in Britain that protects people who are LGBT? Who else is protected? (The Equality Act 2010 - race, religion, sex, gender reassignment, age, marriage & civil partnership, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy & maternity))
- At the match on Saturday, Chris Eubank Jnr lost. Chris later tweeted, "Congratulations to Liam tonight." Why did Chris do that? 
- What can we learn from Chris Eubank Jnr?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?

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