Saturday 6 May 2023



Seven times Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton will wear a rainbow flag on his helmet as he competes in the latest Formula 1 competition this weekend in Miami, USA.

Miami is in Florida where a law was passed in March 2023 to stop schools teaching about LGBTQ+ awareness. Books like "And Tango makes three" by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell (that we have in our school) are not allowed. The law is known as the "Don't say gay" bill.

Lewis says, "I stand by those within the community here. I hope they continue to stand firm and push back. I'll have the rainbow on my helmet. It's no different from when we were in Saudi."

Lewis was asked if he thought F1 should boycott racing in Florida and he replied, "It's not for me to decide that... I did hear and read about some of the decisions that have been made in government here and I do not agree with it and I do not support it. I really do continue to stand with the LGBTQ community."

"The sport is going to be here whether I am or not. but the least I can do is just continue to be supportive and just being here and having that on my helmet hopefully that speaks well to the subject."

- What is Formula 1?
- why a rainbow helmet?
- why do you think laws exist in some countries that stop schools talking about difference?
- what do we say in our school about different people?
- what do we say about being LGBTQ+?
- what law exists in the UK that means schools here can talk about LGBTQ+ people? (Equality Act) 
- What other groups of people are protected in the Equality Act?
- Can wearing a helmet change anything?
- why does Lewis say it's not for him to decide whether Formula 1 should boycott racing in Florida? Who does decide? Can the competitors do anything about this? Should Formula 1 be held in Florida where there is a "Don't say gay" bill? Does that matter? 
- Does this story remind you of any other sport story recently where people stood up for LGBTQ people? (World cup. rainbow armband 
  - what happened in the World Cup? Did Harry Kane wear the rainbow armband? Why not?
- "just being here and having that on my helmet hopefully that speaks well to the subject." what does Lewis mean?
- You could argue Lewis should respect the law of the country he is visiting and not wear a rainbow helmet. What are the arguments for and against this view?
- Lewis could just wear the helmet in countries where LGBTQ+ visibility is allowed, then he wouldn't be disrespecting any law. What do you think?
- Can we learn anything form Lewis Hamilton?
- Which British value is this story about?
- Why is it about No Outsiders?

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