Sunday 25 February 2024



What is happening in this picture?
Why are they lying on the floor?

James Williams is a barber from Talbot, UK. He has been trying unsuccessfully to cut the hair of Mason, who was diagnosed with Autism a few months ago. Mason gets upset when he has his hair cut and refuses to sit in the chair. This photo shows the first time he has managed to get a proper hair cut, because the James found a way to do it.

- What is Autism? (I asked a child with autism how to describe what autism means. Oliver told me, "autism is your brain wired differently so you see the world in a different way. It' just a different view of the world." Oliver says some things are harder for him but but also he better at some things than other children.)
- Why do you think a hair cut is difficult for Mason?
- James could say to Mason, "If you don't sit in the chair, you don't get a haircut." Why doesn't he say that?
- You could argue Mason can't go through life having his hair cut lying on the floor, is James actually helping Mason by doing this? 
- Sometimes we hear the term 'neurodiverse' - what is neurodiversity?
- Why did James make such an effort to change the way he cuts hair? 
- What does this say about James?
- How do we make sure everyone is welcome in our school? Are we all the same here? How are we different, how do we learn differently?
-Why is this about No Outsiders?
- Which British Value is this about?

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