Friday 21 June 2024

30 seconds


Natalie Ringold is a teacher who has gone viral after delivering a simple message to her class. 

Parts of the message are on the image above, but some words are missing. Can you work out what the message is?

The message is "Something you can't change in 30 seconds."

What do you think this message is about? 
What can you change about yourself in 30 seconds?
What can't you change? What do you think the teacher is saying to her pupils? 

There is a video you can watch in the link. In the video Natalie says " "If someone can't change something about themselves in 30 seconds or less, then you shouldn't be mentioning it to them." She also squeezes a tube of toothpaste to illustrate her message - why do you think she does that? What is she trying to show with the toothpaste?

Natalie says, "Your words have power. your words matter. If you walk out of this room spreading kindness to the people around you, spreading love to the people around you, that is what truly makes a difference." - 

- what does that mean?

Watch the video and discuss:

- what you you think of this message? Can you think of examples?
- Should we not talk about who we are? Is that what Natalie is saying? What's the difference between you talking about who you are or how you look, and someone else doing that?
-"Your words have power" what does this mean?
- as she talks, Natalie squeezes a tube of toothpaste and then tries to get the paste back in the tube. It becomes messy and you can't put it back. What is she trying to show here?
- "You try to apologise, you try to take the words back, and you try to undo what you said, undo what you did. But it's something they couldn't change about themselves and do it gets very messy. You can't totally take those words back, you can't totally fix it."- do you agree? Can you give an example?
- Natalie says she wants her students to remember this for the rest of their lives - why? Do you think they will?
- In the comments on social media someone wrote, "teachers should help kids learn that their humanity matters as much as their grades" do you agree with this statement? Can you build on it?
- Why is this about no outsiders?
- Which British value is this about?

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