Sunday 14 July 2024

More than a game

Who is this, what is his job, why is he famous this week?
What happened last night?

Gareth Southgate is the manager of the England men's national football team. Before every game, Gareth tells the players something. He says the reason he repeats it before every game is because he believes it with all his heart. 

What do you think he tells the players?
If you were the England manager, what would you tell them, what do you think they need to hear before they go on the pitch and represent their country?

This is what Gareth says:

"When you go out there in this shirt, you have the opportunity to produce moments that people will remember for ever. You are part of an experience that lasts in the collective consciousness of our country. Every day, no matter the opposition, has the potential to create a life long memory for an England fan somewhere.

Why do we care so much? Everyone has a different idea of what it means to be English. What pride means. For me personally, my sense of identity and values is closely tied to my family and particularly my grandad. He was a fierce patriot and a military man who served during WW2. My grandads values were instilled in me from a young age and I couldn't help but think of him when I lined up to sing the national anthem for my first international caps. My belief is that everyone has that pride, and that includes the players. What is sometimes forgotten is just how much it means to the players. Players are fans too after all, that's how it starts. It starts with kids sitting in front of TVs, wall charts and heroes. What cannot be questioned about the current generation of England players, is their pride in representing this country.

I am the England men's football team manager. I have a responsibility to the wider community to use my voice and so do the players. It's their duty to interact with the public on matters such as equality, inclusivity,  racial injustice, while using the power of their voices to help put debates on the table; to raise awareness and educate.

Regardless of your upbringing and politics, what is clear is that we are an incredible nation that has contributed so much to the arts, science and sport. We do have a special identity and that remains a powerful motivator. We are independent thinkers. We speak out on the issues that matter to us and we are proud of that.

Of course my players and I will be judged on winning matches. Only one team can win the Euros. But the reality is that the result is just a small part of it. When England play, there's much more at stake than that. It's about how we conduct ourselves on and off the pitch. How we bring people together. How we inspire and unite. How we create memories that last beyond the 90 minutes, that last beyond the summer, that last forever.

I think about all the young kids who'll be watching this summer, filling out their first wall charts. No matter what happens, I just hope that their parents, teachers and club managers will turn to them and say, 'look, that's the way to represent your country. that's what England is about, that is what's possible.' If we can do that, it will be a summer to be proud of.

Yours, Gareth Southgate.

(the full version of this speech was read on the Radio 4 Today programme, 13/07/24, at the close of the programme)

- Ask pupils to digest and discuss what they have just heard from Gareth Southgate, then discuss as an assembly the following questions:
- Is that what you expected Gareth to say?
- Why doesn't Gareth say, "We're gonna win this!" or, "Go get 'em!"
- "Every day has the potential to create a life long memory for an England fan somewhere." what are your memories of these games?
- "Everyone has a different idea of what it means to be English." what do you think of this statement? What are your thoughts abut this?
- Gareth talks about players having a duty to use their voice and raise awareness of equality, inclusivity. Do you agree? You could argue the players only have a duty to play well and bring the trophy home?
-  "We are independent thinkers," what does that mean?#
- "How we conduct ourselves on and off the pitch." What does Gareth mean by this?
- "It's about how we bring people together. How we inspire and unite." How do the England team inspire and unite people?
- How do you think Gareth and the team are feeling this morning, do you think they achieved their aims?
- What can we learn from Gareth Southgate?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?
- Which British value is this about?

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