What do you see in the photo? Where do you think the photo was taken, what is happening?
The photo shows a marriage proposal in Spain between Jose Casanova and Cristian Broca. Both are dressed as Disney characters; Jose as Prince Adam from Beauty and the beast and Cristian as Aladdin.
Why do you think Jose and Cristian chose to dress as Disney princes?
Who usually gets marred at the end of a fairy tale?
What do you think Jose and Cristian are trying to show?
Jose said; "Because every boy and girl deserves to grow up with LGBTQ+ references in their stories learning that love in all its forms, is as real and brave as fairy tales."
- What does Jose mean by LGCTQ+ references?
- Love in all it's forms - what does that mean?
- How can love be brave?
"Today we not only celebrate our commitment to a world where equal marriage is an unquestionable right, but also the fight for all public spaces, narratives, festivities , to belong to all people."
- what is equal marriage?
- public spaces, narratives, festivities to belong to all people - what does that mean?
- ae there times/ places where that doesn't happen?
Cristian said, "From this kid who always dreamed of his own fairy tale ending, but always thought the story wasn't written for him. We ALL deserve that happy ending and it's time to rewrite the tale."
- Why did Cristian think a fairy tale ending wasn't for him?
- what tale is Cristian re-writing?
"We all deserve a fairy tale ending, but this is just the beginning."
- why is it just the beginning?
- What does the law in the UK say about this? What is that law called? (Equality Act 2010)
- What other groups of people are referenced in the Equality Act? (protected characteristics)
- Some people believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, how do you think Joe and Cristian would respond?
- what do we say at our school about different families?
- Which British value is this about?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?
No Outsiders: We belong here by Andrew Moffat (scheme of work for primary schools)
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