Saturday, 31 October 2015

Community Cohesion - Poppy day - British values

A group of young Muslims in the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Youth Association are hoping to raise £40,000 for the Poppy Appeal this year. Their message is, "Peace and unity between all nations, peoples and religions." 

Spokesperson Farooq Aftab said, 
""The poppy is not about war; it’s about solidarity and showing loyalty to one’s country and standing together for a worthy cause. It’s about communities standing together as one."

"Lots of Muslims actually served in World War I and World War II and lots have ancestors who served in the army. We therefore hope that our participation is a clear indication of our desire for peace and unity between all nations, peoples and religions."

- What is happening in this picture?
- What are the Poppies for, why do people wear Poppies every November?

Explain what is happening in the picture

- Why do the young people in this picture want to sell poppies?
- The Tshirts say, "Shoulder to shoulder with all who serve"- what does this mean?
- Why don't the Tshirts say, "Shoulder to shoulder with all who serve but only if they are men" or "Shoulder to shoulder with all who serve but only if they are Christian" or "Shoulder to shoulder with all who serve who are not gay"? (because there are people serving from every background)
- what is the most important word in that sentence? (all)
- What can we learn from these young people?

Monday, 12 October 2015

Diversity in the UK

This passport map of London is created by artist Yanko Tihov, who trained in Sofia and now works in London. Yankov has built an image of London using 32 passports of some of the foreign nationals living there.

Yankov says, "I understand how imperative it is for creative people to be able to travel where they feel safe and nourished. Having this freedom to move and travel, I believe artists push the future ahead of them

- What is this an image of?
- What is the white line running through the middle?

Explain what the picture is

- Why do you think the artist used passports to create an image of London?
- What does this show us about London?
- What does "Diverse" mean? How is London diverse?
- Are other cities in the UK diverse?
- What is good about living in a diverse place?

Sunday, 11 October 2015


Godfrey Cuotto a 21 year old student from Ontario, Canada, was on his way home from work when a stranger approached him and asked to shake his hand. Godfrey realised the man needed comfort and sat for a thirty minute journey holding his hand while the man leaned against him. Godfrey later found out the man. called Robert, had cerebral palsey and was deaf.

Fellow passengers praised Godfrey and tweeted the picture. Godfrey later told a radio station, "Sometimes you have to be selfless and put someone else's needs above yours".

- What is happening in this photo?
- Do you think the two men know each other?

Explain the story behind the photo

- What do you think Godfrey thought or felt when Robert first approached him?
- Why do you think Godfrey let Robert hold his hand?
- Why didn't Godfrey pull away from Robert after five minutes?
- What does this say about Godfrey?
- How can we make sure we behave like Godfrey in our school?

British Values - celebrating diversity

Nadiya Hussain won The Great British Bake Off last week in the most watched programme of the year in the UK (13.4 million viewers). Nadyia said at the beginning of the show she felt nervous; "Perhaps people would look at me, a Muslim in a headscarf, and wonder if I could bake"

However when she won, Nadiya said:
"I'm never going to put boundaries on myself ever again.
I'm never going to say I can't do it.
I'm never going to say maybe.
I'm never going to say I don't think I can.
I can and I will"
Photograph: Love Productions/Press Association

- Who is this?
- What is The Great British Bake Off about?
- Why do you think Nadia felt  unconfident at the start?
- How did she feel at the end?
- What can we all learn form Nadiya?

Use this story to promote and celebrate the diversity that exists in the UK.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Empowering children in Afghanistan

A girl juggles as part of the Mobile Mini Circus campaign in Afghanistan, dedicated to empowering young people. Their website explains the aim is to to teach children to lead; "Children know best how to communicate with other children." The goal is to encourage children to create ways to spread fun education throughout Afghanistan.
 Photograph: Jalil Rezayee/EPA

- What is the child doing? Why?
- Where do you think she is?

Explain the photo

-What does empowered mean?
- Why do you think the Mobile Mini Circus wants children to be empowered?
- Why do you think they are teaching this girl to juggle?
- Do you think she could juggle straight away? How do you think she felt when she achieved her goal?
- What might she do next?
- Would you like to learn to juggle? What does this tell us about children in Afghanistan? (they like the same things as us)

Monday, 5 October 2015

Safety- consequences- we all feel the same emotion

This man climbed to the top of the Krymsky Bridge in Moscow to take a selfie, but could not climb back down again by himself.
Photograph: Tass/Barcroft Media

- What is this man doing?
-Where is he? How did he get there? Why do you think he went there?

Tell the children what he tried to do and what happened.
- Why do people take selfies? 
- How do you think he felt as he was climbing up the bridge?
- Was this a safe thing to do?
- What was the consequence for him?
- What could have happened to him?
- What should he have done instead?
- How do you think he felt as he was carried down?