Sunday 11 October 2015


Godfrey Cuotto a 21 year old student from Ontario, Canada, was on his way home from work when a stranger approached him and asked to shake his hand. Godfrey realised the man needed comfort and sat for a thirty minute journey holding his hand while the man leaned against him. Godfrey later found out the man. called Robert, had cerebral palsey and was deaf.

Fellow passengers praised Godfrey and tweeted the picture. Godfrey later told a radio station, "Sometimes you have to be selfless and put someone else's needs above yours".

- What is happening in this photo?
- Do you think the two men know each other?

Explain the story behind the photo

- What do you think Godfrey thought or felt when Robert first approached him?
- Why do you think Godfrey let Robert hold his hand?
- Why didn't Godfrey pull away from Robert after five minutes?
- What does this say about Godfrey?
- How can we make sure we behave like Godfrey in our school?

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