Tuesday 25 August 2020

Black Lives Matter



This photo was taken on one of the Black Lives Matters protests in London. Later the two people were reunited for an interview on ITV news.

Unfortunately, I cannot find the interview, or any information about this photo or the people, other than the fact they later reunited so we are going to have to focus on what we can learn from just the photo (which is actually in interesting exercise in itself and could be built in to the discussion).

-        What do you see in the photo?

-        Where do you think they are?

-        How are the two people similar?

-        How are they different?

-        What do you think the Tshirt says?

-        The other person isn’t wearing a Black Lives Matter Tshirt; they are wearing a suit and tie. Do you think that suggests the two people do not agree on this issue?

-        What is written on the sign around the suited person’s neck? What does that mean? What is a virus?

-        How can “we” be the cure? Who is “we”?

-        The two people in this photo are not smiling; what do you think they are talking about? Are they arguing?

-        Look at their body language; how would you describe it?

-        Who is speaking? What do you think they are saying? What might be the reply?

-        What do you think might be in the bag?

-        One has an umbrella; why doesn’t the other have an umbrella?

-        What can we learn from this photo about people in the UK today?

Why is this about No Outsiders?

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