Sunday 1 November 2020

cha cha

People are voting for the US Presidency this week in America and there are long lines being recorded in cities as record numbers of people turn out to take part in the election.

A group called “Joy to the Polls” is encouraging people to vote and to not give up when they see a long queue. They try to cheer people up as they are waiting; footage of voters joining in a cha cha slide in Philadelphia last Sunday has gone viral.

(Unfortunately, in most of the footage available the man at the front is wearing a T-shirt with a clearly visible expletive. The youtube news clip below is the only footage I can find where you can’t see his shirt) 

The dancers say, “Nothing and no-one is getting in the way of our joy and our vote!”

-        What is democracy?

-        Why do you think the lines to vote are so long?

-        What does this show about people in the US today and how they feel about democracy?

-        Why do you think Joy to the Polls are starting dances in voter lines?

-        How do you think the dancing makes people feel?

-        Why do you think the footage has gone viral?

-        Some people might choose not to vote; what would you say to them?

-        What can we learn from Joy to the Polls?

-        Why is this a story of hope? 

- why is democracy about No Outsiders? (because whoever you are you get a vote)

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