Sunday 1 November 2020


Chris Peterson and Spencer Cox are both campaigning in the American election next week in Utah. Chris Peterson is standing for the Democrats and Spencer Cox is for the Republicans so they are in opposition.

For the first time in American history, two candidates on opposing sides have released a joint advert in their campaign, under the #StandUnited.

In the advert they say, “We are campaigning against each other to be your next governor, but today we come together with a message more important than our differences.”

“We can debate issues without degrading each other’s character; we can disagree without hating each other. Win or lose in Utah, we work together.”

Here is a great interview on Today programme where we see the two candidates explaining why they did this

-        What is democracy, what is the US election for, who can vote, how do they vote?

-        “You should vote for me,”

 “No really you should vote for me.” Why do they say this?

-        “We can debate issues without degrading each other’s character; we can disagree without hating each other.” What does this mean? Why is this about No Outsiders? 

-        In the interview on Today, Spencer Cox says, “It’s restored my faith in the American people that people are hungry for decency.” What does he mean?

-        Why do you think it is the first time this has happened?

-        Chris Peterson says, “It’s not that we don’t have disagreements, we really do.. we have to remember we all have to get along after these elections.”  Why does he say that?

-        “That’s what democracy is about: we count up all the votes and afterwards we move forward together” why does Chris say this? What is he trying to show?

-        The polls (what are they?) suggest Spencer Cox is going to win by a big margin, so why would he bother to do this?

-        What can we learn from Spencer and Chris?

Why is this a story of hope?

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