Sunday, 9 September 2018

Year 7 Bus home

On the first day of secondary school at the end of the day a year 7 boy in Liverpool realised he had got on the wrong bus. He had no phone, no money and didn't know how to get home. 

The three older boys in the photo noticed the younger boy getting upset and helped him; they got off the bus at the next stop with him, phoned a taxi for him and gave him £10 to get home. They then waited with him till the cab arrived. When the taxi driver realised what had happened, he refused to charge the boy for the trip, taking him home free of charge.

The Head Teacher of the school has said this "sets the tone" for the year, "He has set a great example in front of a whole bus of year sevens, who all have that worry and anxiety about the bigger kids. It is a brilliant example of the older kids looking after them."

What do you see in the photo?
Explain this story is about being kind - ask the children to suggest what might have happened

explain the story

- How do year 7s feel as they start secondary school?
- Why do you think the boy got on the wrong bus?
- How did he feel as he sat alone and realised he was going the wrong way?
- When the older boys saw him getting upset, what options did they have?
- Why did they choose to help him?
- why does the Head Teacher say the boy set an example?
- Why did the taxi driver take the boy home free of charge?
- What does this show about people in our communities today?
- What can we learn from the boys in the photo?
- Why is this story about No Outsiders? (the younger boy felt like an outsider as a new starter at the school; the older boys made sure he felt welcome)

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