Saturday 30 October 2021

wedding dress

Anthony and Kelly Anne Ferraro got married on 2nd October this year. Anthony is a blind Paralympian and in 2018 he won Gold in the USA National Judo Championship for Blind and Visually Impaired. Traditionally, when people get married, the bride's dress is an important part of the day and their partners don't get to see it till they walk down the aisle. Kelly Anne wanted Anthony to share in that experience so what do you think she did?

Kelly Anne surprised Anthony by having a dress made that felt amazing to touch. Anthony said, "Kelly wanted to make it really special for me. She went above and beyond to make a dress that was tactically pleasing with chiffon, lace, silk and velvet."

"She wouldn't let me know anything about it until she came down the aisle and I got to touch it, so it was incredible. It was so beautiful to me... I could picture her in my head perfectly. The textures are everything. I can see through my fingers and through my hands and through touch."

On social media, people are responding by saying that beauty is not just what we see with our eyes; one person wrote, "The wedding dress sends a wonderful message to the rest of the world. Every couple are different, every person is different. But when we branch out and learn to experience the world the way others do, we can find beauty in places we never imagined."

- what is a wedding for?
- why do people often keep their wedding clothes secret from their partner?
- what did Kelly Anne know would be different about her wedding to Anthony?
- what does tactile mean?
- how do you think Anthony felt when realised he could touch the different parts of Kelly Anne's dress?
- why would this have been important for Anthony and Kelly Anne?
- "I can see through my fingers and through my hands and through touch." what does Anthony mean?
- ""The wedding dress sends a wonderful message to the rest of the world." what message is the dress sending?
- "when we branch out and learn to experience the world the way others do, we can find beauty in places we never imagined." what does this mean?
- what can we learn from Kelly Anne and Anthony?
- why is this about No Outsiders?


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